Perry Slaughter : Page 4
When life gives you lemons, extract the citric acid and spray it in life's eyes. Crossposted from Perry Slaughter
Gee, Rocky
Squirrels rule the early morning streets. I have to pay a tribute of Cheetos just to retrieve my paper from the stoop unmolested. Damn those orange-pawed monsters! Crossposted from Perry Slaughter
Jammed keys
I have an intimate relationship with my typewriter. That makes it difficult to keep the roller clean. Crossposted from Perry Slaughter
Eat nothing but potato chips and still lose weight!
I call it the Horse Latitudes Diet. It worked for me. Just limit yourself to two per day. Crossposted from Perry Slaughter
Piping hot
Children are terrific. Especially with a nice pomegranate glaze. Crossposted from Perry Slaughter